Add fun to your study room and workspace

Customized bobbleheads can be found everywhere.

They are on your office table. They are in your car. They are on your study tables. Moms keep them as showpieces. They are fun to play with. The wobbly heads amuse people of all ages. These tiny little toys have become a favorite gift for all occasions. Here are a few ideas on how custom made bobbleheads can be even more fun at offices, parties, and homes. 

1. Cover the desks

Everyone in your class can bring in their favorite bobblehead. The dolls can be customized as an identity model for each student set up on everyone's individual desks. You could also surprise your teacher with a bobblehead built resembling your class teacher. Set it up on the teacher's table for a reaction most awaited. You can even plan and set up a camera to capture your teacher's response when he/she sees the bobbleheads in place of students in the class. The reaction would be worth a detailed explanation later!

2. Podium

You could create a custom bobblehead for the podium as well. The bobblehead would nod every time your teacher explained an important topic. It would make lessons much more entertaining and humorous to attend. Students drowsing in classes would be entertained by the nodding assistant to the teacher. Also, the students now have an extra classmate and friend in school. 

3. Computers

Do you have a boring or dull workplace?

Make your table interesting by adding a customized bobblehead in your space. Sooner or later, your colleagues are going to find it pretty interesting and will get them for themselves as well.

In case you are having a fresher or farewell party, you have an amazing gift in hand. You can gift the fresher or your employee a customized bobblehead as a token of appreciation and congratulation. You could also give your retiring manager a personalized doll with a wobbly head to show your love for the years he spent in service. 

4. Lunch Break Room

Add bobbleheads on your lunch tables. After a tiring lesson or a busy day, you definitely need a break. It is time to remodel your break/lunch room with lots of bobbleheads. Your lunchroom has to be an interesting room that helps people to relax after stressful work. 

Make your restroom and lunch rooms crafty with models of the cooks, slackers, and other unidentified official staff. This will not only give them recognition but will also make the place more lively and playful. You can then enjoy your meal talking to the cute little wobbly dolls. You can even pretend to feed them or serve them beverages. Sharing is caring, they say. You can have fun while you have tasty food. You can later get back to your work all freshened up. 

The primary purpose of getting a bobblehead is to add cheerfulness to the atmosphere. Be it your workplace or classroom; a happy place always yields better results. The customized bobbleheads now give a chance to appreciate and convey our love to people around us in an effortless manner. These custom made bobblehead dolls can be personalized at our stores and can be built as per your demands.

We are at your service to help you design the most identical dolls out of your pictures. Buying a gift for friends and colleagues is not an issue anymore. We are at your service. 

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