How Custom Bobbleheads Are Great For Advertising

If you're a business owner looking for ways to boost sales and increase revenue there's a secret you need to know about. Bobbleheads are one of the best advertising tools in today's marketplace. It seems absurd maybe, but in terms of return on investment, a custom bobblehead is a marketer's best friend. Professional sports teams have long used bobbleheads as a promotion. It was only in recent years that the full potential of bobbleheads was realized. The Detroit Tigers baseball team can expect to sell 5,000 more seats to games when they host a bobblehead promotion. Not all of us are professional sports teams. But we can use proven advertising strategies in any business. Let's find out how a bobblehead can be your secret marketing weapon too. Here we go:

A Secret Branding Weapon

Great advertising ties a feeling to a product or service. When done effectively, it can have a lasting effect. Bobblehead marketing is so successful because it connects your brand to an experience. And that experience is fun. It's almost impossible not to smile when watching a bobblehead nod-nod-nod. Your potential clients and customers will be smiling at your business. And they'll be saying yes, yes, yes.


Professional sports teams don't just create bobbleheads of players to sell seats on special game days. They create bobbleheads for celebrity fans and Marvel, Star Wars or Ghostbusters characters. Why? These cross-promotional tactics draw more casual fans, or even non-fans, to the ballpark. You can use a bobblehead to persuade people to use your goods and services too.

A Lasting Impression

Any marketing professional will tell you that when advertising is done properly it can leave a lasting impression and build your brand. A bobblehead built for your business goes beyond an initial campaign. Bobbleheads are a marketing tool that lasts. Plus, as people collect bobbleheads, they are seen by more people. That's guerilla marketing in the homes and offices of everyone you give a bobblehead. What is the first thing you would do if you saw a bobblehead in someone's home or office? Most people would want to pick it up and say "What's this?" You'll be creating buzz around your goods and services.


If you've ever been to a tradeshow or met with a salesperson you've probably picked up some SWAG: Stuff We All Get. It's sometimes interesting. But the logo pens and curiosities last a couple days before finding the trash. 

People keep bobbleheads for years. Creating your own custom bobblehead is an advertising investment that pays dividends for years.

Create Your Own Custom Bobblehead

YesBobbleheads has made it easy to design and purchase your own custom bobblehead. Our customers love our service because we help them create great promotions that boost sales. Whether you are looking for a great marketing promotion you can buy in bulk, or a custom one-off gift, YesBobbleheads can help. We make it easy to order too. You can create a lasting impression, use cross-promotional techniques, and maintain a buzz with your bobblehead promotions. Click here and find out how easy it is to create and order your custom bobbleheads right now.

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