Order Custom Bobbleheads Earlier for Your Christmas Gifts

Order Custom Bobbleheads Earlier for Your Christmas Gifts

Christmas is for sure the most wonderful time of the year! Maybe Christmas is still a few months away but the holiday season for custom bobbleheads starts early every year. Custom bobbleheads are different from many other gifts because of their personal and unique nature. You can’t go to the store and pick one up a week before Christmas. These products are hand-crafted and it takes time to meet each individual’s specifications. Standard sculpting and shipping process usually takes around 4-6 weeks. Most custom bobblehead sites offer faster sculpting and shipping options but it will cost you more money.

It becomes more difficult to gauge sculpting and delivery times around the holidays due to an abundance of custom bobblehead orders. If you’re giving someone a custom bobblehead for Christmas, we highly recommend ordering the doll in October or early November. Here are some benefits to ordering the custom bobbleheads for Christmas early:

1) Discounts - Save Money!

Often we have special discounts to purchase early or other savings opportunities. Check the homepage promotional banners or the "Coupon Codes" page for any special offers we have for you.

2) Zero or Reduced "Rush" Fees

The longer you wait, the faster we will have to sculpt your custom bobblehead to have it ready in time for Christmas. If you wait to place your order in mid-November or early December, it’ll cost you $80-120 more. This extra charge is known as a "rush" fee. Eliminate this fee by ordering your gift in October or early November.

3) More Available Proofing Time

Custom bobbleheads are very personalized gifts, often representing someone special in your life. You want it to be perfect and we want to help you make it perfect. Ordering early allows more time for proofing and making changes to your custom bobblehead. Maybe the hair color’s not quite right or the eyes need to be bigger. The process is meant to be fun, not stressful, but getting the doll "just perfect" can take time. Remember, this is a gift so never settle for good enough.

4) Peace of Mind

If you’re ordering a custom bobblehead as a Christmas gift, you need it under the Christmas tree in time. Why take any chances? Why risk having your special someone wake up Christmas morning with no gift at all? The holidays are hectic enough so order your custom bobblehead early and sleep easier at nights.
Save yourself time, money, and sanity by ordering Christmas custom bobbleheads or normal custom bobbleheads gifts earlier.
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